I have been meaning to post but I have been so tired lately that I just couldn't do it. Part of the reason I was prompted, or inspired to post today is/was to tell you to check out my friend Susanna's new blog, SugarCoatedSAHM. The link is also over there ------> in the blog roll. Actually, at this time it is the ONLY link in the blog roll.
If anyone else would like to be listed in the blog roll.. leave your blog link in the comments. Clean sites only please. Anything less than will not be listed.
In other news, I am going to Arizona next month. That is pretty much my excitement for the rest of the year. My best friend, Angel, is getting married next year and we have to go do girly wedding things! So excited.. can't wait. Besides the fact that I need a serious break from work.
Speaking of work, I hate to cut this one short but I am exhausted and need to get some sleep. Have a good one peeps! I will be posting much more often :)