Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Busy Day!

In addition to having my son's birthday, I had a dentist appointment today. I thought it would take a lot longer than it did. I was in the chair for all of 15 minutes. We discussed our next moves which are a cleaning next week. I have to schedule my extractions and then we can start the repair work.

My sister in law dropped me off and my mom was supposed to pick me up. So to kill time, I ran over to Target and walked around every inch of that store. I looked at craft stuff, towels, bedspreads,toys, kids wagons, new phones-which I almost considered getting, Wii stuff that I want when I get one finally, and my mom suggested I look at books. Well great.. guess what I came home with? Yep, a new book. It's a Sophie Kinsella novel in the same spirit as the Shopaholic books called "Can You Keep A Secret?"

Then we had to drop some stuff off at her house,run to my brothers and pick up his truck so we could haul all the kids to Coldstone for Liam's birthday treat. Talk about stressful. I nearly had an aneurysm.

Now it's over and everyone is in bed. Ahh, the calm! Have a good night everyone!

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1 comment:

  1. Kari ~ Relocated Dixie GirlDecember 4, 2008 at 7:59 PM

    And can I say the puppies are too stinkin cute?!
    Guess what? I talked to my ex yesterday...he's getting my oldest a Wii for him to keep here. yeah ex is bascially getting us (my family) a Wii!!!!
